Book Review: Raising Happiness

I wasn't real sure about this book after the 1st chapter.  It is not typically a book I would PICK to read, but it sounded good and I do like the idea of happy children. Raising Happiness has impressed me by reminding me what the real issues are. Doing things that involve the kids. Include them in your planning. Teach them something you love.  Run errands with them (something I am deliberately doing this year as one of my goals).  Support and Encourage their activities and interests. That one is the hardest for me because with boys I REALLY don't enjoy their activities. I am just not into electronic. My 9 yr old can hook up a DVD player... I can't. Glad I have him around. LOL!

A few other things that stuck out in my mind.. Share failures, but use them as stepping stones. See I did this wrong, but I learned this from it. I never really thought about that. I do tell my children sorry when I wronged them. I never thought to talk about hey, I failed here, but I learn xyz.

An idea I want to try that was mentioned in the book. A thankful box.  Each child puts something they are thankful for that day in a box and read them at the end of the week. I think that would be a great idea and kinda fun. I am sure the kids would LOVE to decorate the box.

Role play empathy and forgiveness. I never thought to do that. I think that could be kinda interesting. Trying to get the children to think about what the OTHER person is going through.  I struggled with that. I never really cared or thought what others though.

Teaching the children to be optimistic. I really see I am failing in that area. I get down in the dumps and I can't shake it. I want them to not struggle with that.  Instead of blaming myself for things that go wrong, put the blame where it belongs.

I had to smile when she talks about turning up the music and dancing around. We love to do that at our house. I struggle with it because it makes me a dizzy to go in circles, but I still like to join in on the fun.

There are also a few things in the book I don't agree on obviously. But it did have some useful nuggets. :-)


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