My Goals for Jan 12-18

Pick a Kindle devotional book
Memorize Psalm 37:1`
Read a book
Establish Flylady schedule for cleaning
Organize my Documents folder -1 subject
Complete Organization Challenge - cabinets organization

Write a "love" note
Call/Talk to my brother 

Establish game night 
Teach Ashlianna to sew a pillowcase 
Print out week school schedule for EACH child.

Weekly Goals
Weekly or Bi-Weekly menus
Try a 1 new recipe and blog about it
Write 1 book review
Finish DIY list for year.
1 Family Blog

How I did with last week's goals.

Pick a Kindle devotional book
Memorize Psalm 37:1`
Read a book - I actually read 2!
Establish Flylady schedule for cleaning - Didn't happen.
Organize my Documents folder -1 subject, I actually did one year of pictures instead!  That was awesome.
Complete Organization Challenge - Clean Kitchen Counters. I did it about half the week. Not sure why it is SO hard to do it everyday. Helps if things get put AWAY instead of moved around.

Write a "love" note
Call/Talk to my brother 

Establish game night 
Teach Ashlianna to sew a pillowcase - my sewing machine isn't working so I will postpone that until it does.
Print out week school schedule for EACH child.

Weekly Goals
Weekly or Bi-Weekly menus
Try a 1 new recipe and blog about it
Write 1 book review
Finish DIY list for year.
1 Family Blog


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