THM Menu for March 12-18

This week starts 4th week of my 2nd round of my THM New Habits Challenge. Are you joining us?  I have a FB group page if you would like to join us and keep each other accountable. Or for even more fun use the hashtag #THMnewhabitschallenge2018 on IG and leave a picture.  

I was watching a neat vlog called Our Tribe of 10 a few weeks back and they were going through THT trying each recipe. I thought what a good idea! I have made almost ALL the recipes in the original book, but not the Trim Healthy Cookbook. I have Trim Healthy Table, but there are SO MANY recipes in Trim Healthy Cookbook that I haven't even tried yet. So, I am going to try cooking a few more from the Cookbook and see how far I get.  I have made some, so I am going to skip over those, but there are SO MANY I have never tried.  What recipes have YOU tried and LOVED?

German Chocolate Skake - THM S THM Cookbook p.413
French Toast in a Bowl THM S THM Cookbook p.266 
Berrylicious Thin Thick - THM S THM Cookbook p.424
Basic Sugar Donuts with variations THM S THM Cookbook p.268-7
Lemon Frappe - THM FP THM Cookbook p.419 
Sweet Dreams Apple and Cinnamon THM E THM Cookbook p.248 

Lunch: - Leftovers
Superfood - Loaded Salad- THM S THM Cookbook p.192 
Zesty Sweetie Soup- THM E THM Cookbook p.118 
Spinach Lane Soup THM  FP/S THM Cookbook p.121

Peanut Gems - THM FP THM Cookbook p.319  
Butterfly Wings Cake THM FP THM Cookbook p.301
Sweetie Pie Swirl- THM E Cookbook p. 253

Supper: I am only going to list 5 this week. I haven't been using all 6.
Orange Chicken THM S THM Cookbook p.72
Wonder Fish Tacos - THM E THM Cookbook p.171 
Mother Hubbard Soup - THM S THM Cookbook p.97
Swedish Meatball in Cream Sauce THM S THM Cookbook p.61
Perfect or Rustic Pizza - THM S THM Cookbook p.211-12

Ginger Cream Trimmy - THM FP THM Cookbook p.432 - I am planning to make a mix with it. I prefer to make it right when I want it instead of ahead and re-warming it.


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