My Trim Healthy Mama Meal Plan for Week 47, 2022


Hello!  Thank you for stopping in and visiting Mixing With Michelle.  I have been doing THM since May of 2013.  It has been an eventful journey, but very worth it. I have enjoyed cooking through all 3 of the THM cookbooks. I can't wait for their new one to start a new adventure.

Mixing with Michelle will be posting my Meal Plan, Meal Prep, and Garden Tour Updates weekly. I am sure I will have a few extra fun things thrown in. Come check us out!

Check us out on YouTube, and hopefully Rumble soon! 

Eggs N Avocados

Lunch: - Leftovers
Apple Squash Soup

Teriyaki Beef and Broccoli on page 82 of THT


Drinks - FP


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