March 31 - April 6, 2013 Goals

My Goals for Last week 

Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week
Organize Freezer
Organize Coupons/Binder 
Piano and Violin Practice

Game Night
Write a note
Finish up dates with children 

Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish and Start reading: October Song, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Mary Jones and her Bible,  A Love That Multiplies, Blue Like Play Dough, and Caroline's Courage,
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible
Walk/Run 3 days a week

Menu, Book Review, Recipe, Coupon Trip, and Weekly goals

My Goals for this THIS week 

Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week
Organize Freezer
Organize Coupons/Binder 
Piano and Violin Practice

Game Night
Write a note
Finish up dates with children 

Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish and Start reading: From Dust and Ashes, October Song, Shadows On Stoney Creek,  A Love That Multiplies, Pioneers Go West, By the Great Horn Spoon , and Missouri Bound,
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible
Walk/Run 3 days a week

Menu, Book Review, Recipe, Coupon Trip, and Weekly goals


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