Book Review: Weekend Make Over

Weekend Make Over by Don Aslett has lots of good ideas to clean your home in a weekend. There are several golden nuggets that I gleamed from reading it. Mostly about books and how to sort and toss etc. The only cravat on the book, was it is not something a mother of 7 can do in a weekend. It is also not something a mom of children is going to do easily. We may not use our clothes ALL the time, but with 7 children I DO store what I need for the next one, even if the next one won't wear it for a year or so. I can't afford to buy clothing/shoes in that kind of manner. I think it is more of a book for an empty nester or someone with older children that they can actually TAKE a weekend off to clean.  For someone with children 12 and under it is unrealistic.


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