Book Review: Desperate Marriage by Gary Chapman

Desperate Marriage by Gary Chapman

I REALLY enjoyed this book. I was very surprised by some of the contents. I think it was a timely read for me considering what my crazy life has been the last few years.

I liked especially the disclaimer in the beginning saying that you can do everything right and still the straying spouse does not return.  I am so tired of most books saying oh, just do this and this and everything will work out. No, not in real life it doesn't. Maybe in books and movies.  You can NOT control your spouse, but you CAN control your actions and reactions.

Some of the real - life stories were painful to read. I can really relate to several of the woman in the stories. It totally warmed my heart to read several stories that MEN actually went in for help. That seems to be such a rarity these days. Seems like we ladies are usually the ones that are asking for help. Not all the stories had happy endings in the book.  Sad, but nice that they were included because they are reality. Not EVERYONE is going to have a success story.

I highly recommend this book EVEN if you don't have "marriage issues".


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