Goals for Feb 24- March 2, 2013

Goals for This Week

Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week- I did most of it. I still need to organize my coupons
Organize Freezer - I need to work on this!
Write up a cleaning schedule for Sat/Fri - started
Organize Coupons/Binder - I have clipped many, but I have not finished.

Game Night - DONE!
Write a note -DONE!
Finish up dates with children - Finished! 

Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish reading: October Song, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Mary Jones and her Bible, Goals and Bound For Oregon
Start Reading: Desperate Marriages, Write It Down, Make it Happen,  Tiny book of BIG garage sale secrets, 10 Simple Steps For More Joyful Kids And Happier Parents, and A Love That Multiplies.
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible Lev 14-27
Walk/Run 3 days a week

Menu, Book review,, Recipe, and weekly goals - schedule their publishing for the week instead of all at once. Bad habit ... LOL! - I did it!

What I want to do NEXT week 

Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week
Organize Freezer
Organize Coupons/Binder 
Piano and Violin Practice

Game Night
Write a note
Finish up dates with children 

Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish and Start reading: October Song, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Mary Jones and her Bible, and Bound For Oregon, Write It Down, Make it Happen,  Tiny book of BIG garage sale secrets, 10 Simple Steps For More Joyful Kids And Happier Parents, and A Love That Multiplies.
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible Lev 14-27
Walk/Run 3 days a week

Menu, Book review, Recipe, and Weekly goals 


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