Goals for March 16 - 23, 2013

What I was working on Last week:
Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week - I am working on something a little different - 31 Days to Clean with a friend from church!
Organize Freezer
Organize Coupons/Binder  - it is all cleaned out and the inserts are organized!
Piano and Violin Practice

Game Night - DONE
Write a note - DONE
Finish up dates with children - I have done 2 so far. I am behind Oops.

Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish reading: October Song, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Mary Jones and her Bible, and Bound For Oregon, and A Love That Multiplies. - I have 2 almost done. Hoping this week to finish them up
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible - I am a little behind.  "sigh"
Walk/Run 3 days a week - DONE

Menu, Book Review, Recipe, and Weekly goals   

My Goals for this NEXT week 

Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week
Organize Freezer
Organize Coupons/Binder 
Piano and Violin Practice

Game Night
Write a note
Finish up dates with children 

Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish and Start reading: October Song, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Mary Jones and her Bible, and Bound For Oregon, and A Love That Multiplies, Blue Like Play Dough, Caroline's Courage, Pony Express, and Marisol.
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible
Walk/Run 3 days a week

Menu, Book Review, Recipe, Coupon Trip, and Weekly goals   


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