Book review: America's Cheapest Family

I have wanted to read this book for at least 2 years. But I was always too cheap to buy it. And for some really silly reason I never thought to get it from the library.

There is so much in the book. I think I could read it several times and still miss things. Talk about frugal... I thought I was... with the few things I can be.  It is so neat to see them as a couple and family work together to be frugal. That is something rare that you really don't see now days.

The few things I hope I improve. Making lists and sticking with it better. Being more frugal about shopping trips and activities I do etc.  I also loved the ideas for chores/rewards.  Also the ideas for how much to put away and for what things. Some times I had thought of, some not.

A good read, even if you are already thrifty. Trust me, they ARE thriftier. LOL!


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