Weekly Goals for 1/28 - 2/3 2013
How I did with LAST week's Goals
Continue to work on soda kefir -I am still culturing them
in water -Decided to buy the water ones after all. I really think converting isn't going to work.
Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week - Done
Make colored sugar and frost cookies with them- DONE!
Game Night - DONE
Write a note - DONE
Memorize Ps: 1:1-4 - I am done with 2 verses so far
Start reading: Pocketful of Pinecones, Cheapest Family in America,
October Song, Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half, Life Without Limits, and
Life Without Limits, Almost Home, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Frisky,
and James Harriot's Treasury for Children.
- Finished 2!
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible Ex.17- DONE
Walk/Run 3 days a week - DONE
What I want to accomplish THIS week
Finish Kitchen Challenge for the week
Make Pita Bread
Game Night
Write a note
Finish up dates with children
Finish Memorizing Ps: 1:1-4
Finish reading: Pocketful of Pinecones,
October Song, Life Without Limits, and
Life Without Limits,Almost Home, John, Shadows On Stoney Creek, Frisky,
and James Harriot's Treasury for Children.
Keep up with Reading Through the Bible Ex.33- Lev 13
Walk/Run 3 days a week
James Harriot's treasury for children sounds like a wonderful read. Enjoy it!